PATH Returns a delimited text string with the identifiers of all the parents of the current identifier, starting with the oldest and continuing until current.


PATH(ID_columnName, parent_columnName)


ID_columnName – The name of an existing column containing the unique identifier for rows in the table. This cannot be an expression. The data type of the value in ID_columnName must be text or integer, and must also be the same data type as the column referenced in parent_columnName.

Parent_columnName – The name of an existing column containing the unique identifier for the parent of the current row. This cannot be an expression. The data type of the value in parent_columnName data type must be text or integer, and must be the same data type as the value in ID_columnName.

Return Value

A delimited text string containing the identifiers of all the parents to the current identifier.

Reference Data

DAX Functions / Parent and Child Functions / PATH