

Syntax List.FindText(list as list, text as text) as list Description Returns a list of the values from the list list which contained the value text. Reference Data Power Query M Functions / List Functions / List.FindText


Syntax List.FirstN(list as list, countOrCondition as any) as any Description Find the intial values in the list {3, 4, 5, -1, 7, 8, 2} that are greater than 0. Reference Data Power Query M Functions / List Functions / List.FirstN


Syntax List.Sum(list as list, optional precision as nullable number) as any Description Returns the sum of the non-null values in the list, list. Returns null if there are no non-null values in the list. Reference Data Power Query M Functions / List Functions /… Read More »List.Sum


Syntax List.Intersect(lists as list, optional equationCriteria as any) as list Description Returns the intersection of the list values found in the input list lists. An optional parameter, equationCriteria, can be specifed. Reference Data Power Query M Functions / List Functions / List.Intersect


Syntax List.Positions(list as list) as list Description Returns a list of offsets for the input list list. When using List.Transform to change a list, the list of positions can be used to give the transform access to the position. Reference Data Power Query M… Read More »List.Positions


Syntax List.Median(list as list, optional comparisonCriteria as any) as any Description Returns the median item of the list list. This function returns null if the list contains no non-null values. If there is an even number of items, the function chooses the smaller of the… Read More »List.Median


Syntax List.AllTrue(list as list) as logical Description Returns true if all expressions in the list list are true. Reference Data Power Query M Functions / List Functions / List.AllTrue


Syntax List.Range(list as list, offset as number, optional count as nullable number) as list Description Returns a subset of the list beginning at the offset list. An optional parameter, offset, sets the maximum number of items in the subset. Reference Data Power Query M… Read More »List.Range


Syntax List.RemoveFirstN(list as list, optional countOrCondition as any) as list Description Returns a list that removes the first element of list list. If list is an empty list an empty list is returned. This function takes an optional parameter, countOrCondition, to support removing multiple values… Read More »List.RemoveFirstN


Syntax List.Last(list as list, optional defaultValue as any) as any Description Returns the last item in the list list, or the optional default value, defaultValue, if the list is empty. If the list is empty and a default value is not specified, the function returns… Read More »List.Last